Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding management of biomedical waste among medical personnel working at SMS Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan
BMW, Florida coast MoEFCC, Environmental healthAbstract
Background: Bio-medical waste is defined as any waste that is generated during the diagnosis, intervention, treatment, immunisation and research activities. Hospital waste refers to all waste generated in hospitals whether biological or non-biological. As per World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet, total of waste generated by health care activities 20% are hazardous among them 18%–64% of waste from health care facilities have unsatisfactory management as per protocol because of improper segregation and gaps in knowledge and practice. To assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding management of bio-medical waste among medical personnel.
Methods: A hospital based descriptive study was done over the period of one year (April 2019 to March 2020). On the basis of the eligibility criteria total 500 medical and paramedical personal were finally got enrolled. Pre-designed, pre-tested, structured questionnaires were used.
Results: The majorities of participants were male (68%) and the distribution of participants was as followed; doctors (36.6%), nursing staff (37%), lab technicians (4%), 4th class workers (7.6%), and sweeper (15.80%). 63.40% participants score >36 (good score) and only 20.80% score <18 (poor score) on knowledge of BMW management. 45% of participants were known about the risk factors of waste handling. In respect to attitude towards BMW Management, 78% of participants score >36 (good score) and in respect to practice behaviour regarding BMW Management, 79% score >22 (good score).
Conclusions: Our study revealed gaps in certain components of knowledge awareness and practice in between various cadre, so we need to reinforce the reorientation training programs at regular intervals to keep them up-to-date and motivated for BMW management.
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