First trimester pregnant woman's complaint during COVID-19 pandemic
First trimester, Woman pregnancy, ComplicationAbstract
First trimester pregnant women will adapt to various things of discomfort, one of which is morning sickness. If not given a virginity intervention, then this pregnant woman could experience nutritional deficit. The aim of this case study is to provide an overview of how pregnant women in their first trimester cope with their complications during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research method uses in-depth interviews and observations of pregnant women in their first trimester at home. The results obtained were that there were three problems described by Mrs. L, namely; physical discomfort such as dizziness, nausea and fatigue, which can be dealt by taking a warm bath, or smelling some aromatherapy oil such as mint, disturbance of nutritional fulfilment which can be overcome by consuming fresh food, ginger water in a small portion yet frequently and the risk of stress which can be overcome by praying five times a day and gardening, cleaning up the house, discussing with other pregnant friends in whatsapp group. This study can serve as a guide for nurses in providing nursing interventions to pregnant women in the first trimester during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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