Factors influencing implementation of electronic health records system in Nyeri level 5 hospital
Electronic, Health, Records, ImplementationAbstract
Background: The six WHO blocks can be utilized to find numerous opportunities for health improvement. Each component of the WHO structure is critical. In order to improve performance, prosperous reinforcement of the health system necessitates pertinent, well-timed, and precise information. Adoption of an EMR system has been found to increase patient safety by reducing flaws in paper-based medical records.
Methods: The study used a descriptive survey design with a quantitative methodology. The study targeted 422 healthcare workers operating within the outpatient and inpatient department with a sample of 205 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science computer application (SPSS) version 26. Quantitative data were organized, presented, analysed, and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The results suggested that the implementation of the electronic health records system was positively and significantly influenced by health infrastructure (β=0.402, p˂0.05), human workforce (β=0.154, p˂0.05), health leadership (β=0.452, p˂0.05), and service delivery β=0.168, p˂0.05). Health leadership was key in the implementation of the Electronic Health Records System as it is the one that carries the vision of the hospital. Based on the survey results, it was evident that there were a number of factors influencing the implementation of an electronic health records system.
Conclusions: There was a favorable and significant impact of health infrastructure, human workforce, health leadership and service delivery on implementation of electronic health records system.
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