Perception of quality of primary health care services in South-West Nigeria: a cross sectional study
Quality of care, Health care provider, Service delivery, Person centredness, Patients’ satisfactionAbstract
Background: Quality of health-care services has grown in importance in both developed and developing countries' health-care systems over the years. This study aims to assess patients’ perception of quality of primary health care services in Osun State in order to improve healthcare outcomes
Methods: This study employed the descriptive cross-sectional design to assess patients’ perception of quality of primary health care services in Osun State.
Results: A greater proportion of respondents were motivated to utilize primary health care facilities as a result of accessibility to services/good attitude of health service providers compared to availability of services, affordability of health care services and quality of services. Sixty-two percent of 13 items measuring perception of quality of care by health care providers had above average response, only 25% of items measuring perception of quality of health care service delivery had above average response and only 16% of items measuring perception of quality of health facility had more than average responses. Physical accessibility, adequacy of cost and respectfulness of health workers were very important predictors of patient satisfaction with care.
Conclusions: Overall quality of care is perceived to be of average quality. It is recommended that strategies be put in place to ensure sustenance of service areas with perceived good quality and continuous improvement of service areas with perceived poor quality especially recruitment of more health workers, provision of adequate medical equipment and improvement of payment arrangements at the facility.
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