Factors associated with nutritional status of under five children in Rara Chhayanath Municipaity, Mugu district
Stunting, Under nutrition, WastingAbstract
Background: Proper nutrition is crucial for healthy living. According to Nepal multi-indicator cluster survey 2019, prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight were 31.5%, 12% and 24.3% respectively. The prevalence of under nutrition is higher in Karnali Province than other Provinces of Nepal. This study is conducted to assess the factors affecting the nutritional status of under five years’ children in Rara Chhayanath municipality, Mugu district.
Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted in Rara Chhayanath municipality, Mugu district of Nepal which was purposively selected. Three wards were selected for collection of data. Verbal informed consent was taken from the mothers of the under five children and approval was taken from Little Buddha College of Health Science and Municipality. Bivariate analysis was performed to identify the factors associated with nutrition status of children.
Results: In the study, prevalence of stunting and wasting were high as compared to national data i.e., 40.4% and 14.1% percent respectively. The study found that maternal education, family income, exclusive breastfeeding and minimum meal frequency were significantly associated with stunting and wasting.
Conclusions: Socio-economic and child feeding practices were the associated factors of under nutrition. Programs should be focused on socio demographic and economic factors and child feeding practice to reduce problem of malnutrition.
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