Joint complaints in the elderly during the COVID-19


  • Rosintan Milana Napitupulu Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Citra Puspa Juwita Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • James W. H. Manik Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen, Indonesia, Indonesia



Elderly, Joint complaints, COVID-19, Knee joints, Pain


Background: COVID-19 has an impact on the lack of physical activity of the elderly so that it can cause complaints in the joints such as: pain, swelling, and limited movement. This study aim of the study was to find out the prevalence joint complaints in the elderly during the COVID-19.

Method: Research is descriptive with a quantitative approach on 150 elderly people in Cililitan Village, East Jakarta, Indonesia, where data collection is carried out by community health worker (CHW) who have been trained.  Primary data collection through a questionnaire containing six questions about complaints of pain, swelling, and motion limitation in the joints: neck, shoulders, elbows, pelvis, ankles, fingers, toes, waist, wrists, and knees.

Results: Joint disorders occurred by the elderly, 133 elderly (89%) had two joint problems, followed 8 elderly (5%) had problems in one joint, and as many as 9 elderly (6%) had three joint disorders. Joint complaints in the knee joint are 44%, pain in the pelvic joint 25.3%, and pain in the fingers of the hand 24%. The second complaint of swelling occurs in the knee joints by 8%, followed by the fingers and pelvic joints, which is 5.3%. The third complaint is limited movement in the knee joint 58.6%, fingers 30%, and toes 22%.

Conclusions: All respondents had joint complaints during the COVID-19 mainly occurring in the knee joints, fingers, toes, and pelvis.


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How to Cite

Napitupulu, R. M., Juwita, C. P., & Manik, J. W. H. (2022). Joint complaints in the elderly during the COVID-19. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 9(7), 2803–2807.



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