Factors affecting utilization of noncommunicable diseases clinics: effectiveness and role-efficacy
NCD clinics, Utilization, Effectiveness, Role-efficacy, BeneficiariesAbstract
Background: The growing burden of noncommunicable diseases has been seen as one of the most significant developmental and health systems challenges of the 21st century. Most of these deaths have been caused by the four main NCDs, namely: cardiovascular disease accounts for 44% of all deaths from NCDs, cancer accounts for 22%, chronic respiratory disease accounts for 9%, and diabetes accounts for 4%.India is also experiencing a rapid transition. To comprehend the beneficiaries on factors affecting the utilization of healthcare services and service provisioning at the NCDs clinics. To explore perceptions of multiple stakeholders on the role efficacy and effectiveness of NCD clinics
Methods: The current study uses a concurrent mix-methodological approach, which provides equal weightage to qualitative and quantitative methods. The study has adopted explorative concurrent mixed methods research design,
Results: The majority of the diseases identifies are cardiovascular diseases which accounts for 30.9%, chronic respiratory diseases are the second-highest among the populations, which accounts for 26.9%, and diabetes is the next with a slight difference of 25.3%, cancer cases also seem to be high 3.9%. The chi-square test for independence was conducted to assess the association or relation between the beneficiary’s level of satisfaction and service utilization. Cramer’s V was computed as the measure of the strength of association for the observed significant associations.
Conclusions: The NCD clinics effectively deal with the emerging NCDs, but certain limitations exist in the forms of barriers. The service utilization is also very high right now.
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