A study on knowledge and perception of HPV infection and vaccination amongst medical students, Barabanki
HPV, Knowledge, Medical studentsAbstract
Background: Cervical cancer is third most common cancer in women worldwide and fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in women.in India it’s a leading cancer in women responsible for more than 74,000 deaths per year. To assess knowledge, attitude towards HPV infection and HPV vaccination.
Methods: Cross sectional study which was conducted at Mayo institute of medical sciences, Barabanki in January 2022. 150 medical students aged between 18-23 years were included in study.
Results: The survey sample consisted of 150 medical students aged between 18-23 years with a mean age of 20.56±1.67 years. Around 22 (14.66%) of responders achieved a total knowledge score of 15 or higher, meaning that they correctly answered more than 15 out of 20 knowledge questions on HPV.
Conclusions: There is an urgent need for educational Intervention both formal and informal, not only for girls and boys but also for parents to change their attitude towards HPV vaccination.
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