An overview on congenital dental anomalies
Congenital anomalies, Dentition, Dentistry, Genetics tooth rotation, Hypodentition, Hyperdentition, Gemination, FusionAbstract
Congenital anomalies pose a huge threat to the affected and susceptible individuals and significantly impair their lives. In addition, congenital dental anomalies are also a serious issue and can be associated with certain complications. It has been shown the development of these disorders might be found as a single disorder or part of another systemic syndrome. The present literature review provides an overview of congenital dental anomalies. Different congenital anomalies can be detected, including tooth rotation, taurodontism, hypodentition, hyperventilation, Dens evaginatus, Dens invaginatus, Talson cusps, supernumerary roots, dilaceration, concrescence, fusion, and gemination. These conditions might complicate underlying dental physiology and make it difficult to conduct various treatment modalities. Furthermore, the epidemiology of these disorders is inconsistent among the different worldwide investigations. For instance, some studies reported that hypo-and hyperdentition are the most commonly reported anomalies, while others showed that tooth rotation might be the most common anomaly. Further evidence is still needed before making solid conclusions regarding the epidemiology of these disorders.
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