Study of contraceptive use in married women of reproductive age group in urban slum area of Solapur city


  • Rupal D. Girase Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Nandurabar, Maharashtra, India
  • Santosh J. Haralkar Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Sanjay M. Mulaje Department of Statistics, India



Contraceptive use, Slums, Married women


Background: According to the national family health survey (NFHS)-3 and 4, the prevalence of modern methods of contraceptive use is 48.5% and 47.8% and by all methods 56%, which is still below the expected rate of 60% to have a stable population. To determine the extent of contraceptive use. To study association of contraceptive use with various socio–demographic factors. To study the sources of information, place of availability and awareness of contraceptives. To study the reasons behind non-use of contraceptives.

Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in slum area catered by urban health training centre under department of community medicine of Solapur city, Maharashtra, India, with a sample of 420 married women aged between 15 and 45 years considering a prevalence of modern contraceptive use in India 49%. Information was collected on a comprehensive, pre-design, pretested proforma by interviewing the study subjects.

Results: In our study 52.14% of women uses the contraception. The limiting method is the preferred method for contraception. 77.14% women were aware of at least one method of contraception. The major source of information were health workers. 63.01% number of users obtained contraceptive services from government health centres.

Conclusions: The contraception use was higher than the findings of NFHS-4 among the slum dwellers. Use of spacing methods was low, which needs to be addressed. There is huge knowledge application gap between awareness and use of contraception. Health worker should be suitably equipped to address the challenges in contraceptive use by women in slum area.


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How to Cite

Girase, R. D., Haralkar, S. J., & Mulaje, S. M. (2022). Study of contraceptive use in married women of reproductive age group in urban slum area of Solapur city. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 9(4), 1702–1708.



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