Association of minimum dietary diversity and minimum meal frequency with anthropometric parameters among children of 6 to 23 months of age attending immunization clinic of a tertiary care hospitals


  • Kinjal H. Solanki Consultant Project Manager, STI Prevalence study, ICMR-NARI, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Malangori A. Parande Department of Community Medicine, BJ Govt. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Nandkumar M. Salunke Department of Community Medicine, BJ Govt. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Kiran Sangwan Department of Community Medicine, BJ Govt. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Muralidhar P. Tambe Department of Community Medicine, BJ Govt. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India



Minimum dietary diversity, Minimum meal frequency, Immunization clinic, Children, Anthropometric parameters


Background: The age of 6–23 months is the golden period in the first 1000 days of life. Insufficient quantities, frequencies, and inadequate quality of complementary feedings have a negative effect on child health and growth, especially in the first two years of life.

Methods: A hospital based descriptive type of observational study was carried out in the immunization clinic. The source population were the mothers who had children in age group of 6-23 months brought to the clinic in the month of January 2021 comprise the “target population”. The sample size of 102 was calculated with 80% of power, confidence level of 95% and considering prevalence of MDD as 15.2%. Purposive sampling technique was employed for selection of study sample. Proportion of Minimum Meal Diversity and Minimum Meal Frequency was calculated and their association was assessed with anthropometric characteristics.

Results: Proportion of MDD was found to be 72.5% (Figure 1) whereas Proportion of MMF was found to be 87.3 %. The proportion of MDD was significantly high among the children who had minimum meal frequency. MDD and MMF were protective against the acute malnutrition among the children.

Conclusions: This study shows that consumption of a diverse diet and MMF is associated with a reduction in undernutrition among children of 6 to 23 months of age. Measures to improve the type of complementary foods given to children to meet their needs for energy and nutrients should be considered.



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How to Cite

Solanki, K. H., Parande, M. A., Salunke, N. M., Sangwan, K., & Tambe, M. P. (2021). Association of minimum dietary diversity and minimum meal frequency with anthropometric parameters among children of 6 to 23 months of age attending immunization clinic of a tertiary care hospitals. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 9(1), 166–170.



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