Psychological factors that affect mental resilience in crises
Crisis management, Psychology, Resilience, Coping, Distress, Anxiety, Stress, PandemicsAbstract
Psychopathological morbidities represent a significant burden over the different sectors of populations exposed to the different crises. Many factors can contribute to the development of these events, including economic, health-related, and psychological factors. In addition, different factors can affect resilience, including demographic, environmental, and psychological factors. Many original studies have highlighted the impact of these factors on resilience in these settings. In the present literature review, we discussed the different psychological factors associated with resilience following a crisis. Some factors include the sense of avoidance and fear of being harmed or impacted by these crises. Our findings indicate the impact of different factors on psychological resilience during these events. For instance, reports show that fear of catching and transmitting the infection during infectious diseases pandemics was associated with reduced resilience and increased anxiety and stress. On the other hand, lockdown measures were associated with better resilience. In addition, social support, coping strategies, and adequate training and experience are essential factors that significantly contribute to resilience in a crisis.
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