Risk factor analysis of HIV/AIDS incidence in HIV/AIDS risk groups in Bitung city
Factor, Group, HIV/AIDS, RiskAbstract
Background: HIV or human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that attacks the human immune system which then has an impact on the decline in the immune system, causing a disease called AIDS. There were 2,384 cases of HIV/AIDS in north Sulawesi, namely 742 cases of HIV and 1,642 cases of AIDS. The highest number of HIV AIDS cases found in Manado city and Bitung city was also due to the ongoing implementation of the continuous counseling service (LKB), namely for Manado city there were 15 health centers and Bitung city in 9 health centers. This study aimed to analyse the risk factors for the incidence of HIV/AIDS in the HIV/AIDS risk group in Bitung city.
Methods: This research was an analytic observational study with a case control study design. The population of this study was all groups at risk of HIV/AIDS who live in the city of Bitung. The sample in this study was for the group at risk of HIV/AIDS which was divided into groups of positive and negative diagnosed as HIV/AIDS sufferers as many as 150 people. The sampling technique in this study was using the snowball sampling technique.
Results: Univariate analysis showed that the majority of respondents came from the male sex group 53 respondents (35.3%) and the least came from the IDU group 5 respondents (5.3%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed that based on the analysis obtained the value of risky sex behavior (p=0.000, OR=6.35), blood transfusion (p=0.265, OR=2.64) and history of STI (p=0.042, OR=4.21).
Conclusions: This study has proven that risky sexual behavior and history of STIs have a relationship with the incidence of HIV/AIDS. In addition, risky sexual behavior, blood transfusions and history of STIs are risk factors for the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Bitung city.
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