Restoration techniques of fractured endodontically treated teeth


  • Abdullah Fahad Al-Hussain Department of Advanced General Dentistry, Ministry of National Guards Health Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohammed Mesfer Alkhathami Department of Endodontics, Dammam Medical Complex, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • Khalid Mabrouk Almesfer Department of Dental Services, Ministry of National Guards Health Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdulrahman Madwas Mohammed General Dentist, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdullah Mansour AlRajeh General Dentist, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohammed Ali Alasmri Abha Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health, Abha, Saudi Arabia
  • Ohud Awwadh Kehaili General Dentist, Dental Specialist Center, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
  • Sultan Falah Alresheedi General Dentist, Qassim Regional Dental Center, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
  • Ahmed Fadgoosh Alotaibi General Dentist, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Muqbil Jazaa Almutairi General Dentist, Ministry of Health, Onaizah, Saudi Arabia
  • Wesam Yousef Alibrahim General Dentist, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



Dentistry, Management, Endodontics, Restorations


This literature review aims to discuss and collect evidence about restoration techniques of fractured endodontically treated teeth. According to studies in the literature, root canal treatment and restoration of endodontically treated teeth have been reported as two separate clinical procedures although many aspects of both procedures are similar. Conducting restoration procedures following endodontic treatment has been reported to be so important as the first obturation of the root canal, and it has been reported with many advantages and favorable events, including eradication and minimizing the presence of bacteria and microorganisms, which might induce serious complications to the affected teeth. Additionally, the literature review discusses the technique of interim restorations, which has been reported to have favorable advantages and outcomes. However, it should be noted that the process is temporary and definitive restorations must be conducted later on. Also, this research investigates the different substances that should be used with the modality, and the different approaches that were previously reported to restore mature and immature affected teeth. Finally, evidence shows that amalgam-based restorations are becoming inferior to resin composite-based restorations which are also more superior to the stainless-steel crown-based ones. Unifying the guidelines for clinical practice is encouraged to obtain favorable outcomes. All the detailed techniques are presented and fully discussed within the main text of this research.


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How to Cite

Al-Hussain, A. F., Alkhathami, M. M., Almesfer, K. M., Mohammed, A. M., AlRajeh, A. M., Alasmri, M. A., Kehaili, O. A., Alresheedi, S. F., Alotaibi, A. F., Almutairi, M. J., & Alibrahim, W. Y. (2021). Restoration techniques of fractured endodontically treated teeth. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 8(8), 4123–4127.



Review Articles