A comparative study of cardiovascular disease risk among bus drivers and bus conductors of a state transport corporation in North Goa
Bus drivers, Conductors, Framingham CVD riskAbstract
Background: Bus drivers and bus conductors are predisposed to increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risks.Driving for long duration involves prolonged sitting, which enforces sedentary behavior among drivers in comparison to conductors who have the freedom to move about
Background: Bus drivers and bus conductors are predisposed to increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risks.Driving for long duration involves prolonged sitting, which enforces sedentary behavior among drivers in comparison to conductors who have the freedom to move about in the bus. The aim and objectives of the study were to identify selected risk factors for CVDs among bus drivers and bus conductors; to estimate the CVDs risk among them using Framingham risk score and to study the difference of risk factors and CVDs risk between bus drivers and conductors.
Methods: The present study was a comparative cross-sectional study among 105 bus drivers and 105 bus conductors at the Panaji bus depot of Goa. A pre-designed semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data along with anthropometric, clinical examination and blood investigations. The Framingham risk score with BMI and lipids was used to compare the CVD risk.
Results: Higher percentage of bus drivers had diabetes, hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia. When the CVD risk was compared using the Framingham risk score, 63.8% bus drivers had intermediate-high CVD risk using FRS-BMI compared to 46.7% bus conductors and the difference is found to be significant. Using FRS- lipids, 65.7% bus drivers had intermediate-high risk compared to 53.3% bus conductors.
Conclusions: The behavioral risk factors for CVD were higher among bus drivers compared to bus conductors.
in the bus. Aims and objectives: 1) To identify selected risk factors for CVDs among bus drivers and bus conductors 2) To estimate the CVDs risk among them using Framingham risk score 3)To study the difference of risk factors and CVDs risk between bus drivers and conductors.
Methods: The present study is a comparative cross sectional study among 105 bus drivers and 105 bus conductors at the Panaji bus depot of Goa. A predesigned semi structured questionnaire was used to collect data along with anthropometric, clinical examination and blood investigations. The Framingham risk score with BMI and Lipids was used to compare the CVD risk
Higher percentage of bus drivers had diabetes, hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia. When the CVD risk was compared using the Framingham risk score, 63.8 % bus drivers had intermediate-high CVD risk using FRS-BMI compared to 46.7 % bus conductors and the difference is found to be significant. Using FRS-Lipids, 65.7 % bus drivers had intermediate-high risk compared to 53.3 % bus conductors.
Conclusion: The behavioural risk factors for CVD were higher among bus drivers compared to bus conductors.
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