Awareness and knowledge of hearing loss, hearing management modalities, speech and language pathology among general public in Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
Hearing loss, Awareness, Knowledge, Speech pathology, Hearing impairment, Delayed language developmentAbstract
Background: Awareness toward ear health, hearing loss hearing management modalities, speech and language pathology is necessary for early treatment and management.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that was conducted at two malls during October 2020 in Buraidah city, Qassim province. The questionnaire was designed to examine the demographics, education and awareness. Specific awareness questions about hearing loss, hearing management modalities, speech and language pathology were included to examine their knowledge about these pathologies. All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS version 21.
Results: The overall mean awareness score of hearing loss was 5.03±1.78 out of 13 points with poor and good level had been detected among 62.6 and 37.4% of respondents, respectively. For the awareness of ear and hearing management, the overall awareness score was 4.82±1.36 out of 7 points with 52.7 and 37.4% being classified into poor and good level, respectively. In the awareness toward speech development, the total awareness score was 2.64±0.98 out of 4 points with 41.8 and 58.2% were considered as poor and good awareness level, respectively. Statistical test revealed that individuals >25 years had significantly better awareness toward hearing loss (T=-4.331; p<0.001) and awareness toward speech development (T=-2.628; p=0.009).
Conclusions: The awareness toward hearing loss, ear and hearing management seems to be lacking. More awareness campaigns, lectures, advertisement in social media about these pathologies and other educational methods are needed in order to fill the gaps in general awareness, more importantly in the awareness of hearing loss, ear and hearing management.
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