Study of nutritional status and its relation to morbid conditions among adolescent girls residing in social welfare hostels in the Kuppam mandal of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India
Adolescence, Malnutrition, Anaemia, Hostels, RuralAbstract
Background: Adolescence period is very crucial since these are the formative years in the life of an individual when major physical, psychological and behavioural changes take place. The aim and objective of study was conducted as part of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Short Term Studentship (STS) project and was done with the objectives of assessing the nutritional status and morbidity conditions among adolescent girls residing in a social welfare hostel and to study association between nutritional status and morbidity conditions among these adolescent girls.
Methods:A cross sectional study was conducted among adolescent girls aged 10-19 years who were residing in the social and tribal welfare hostel in Kuppam mandal of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Results: A total of 583 adolescent school girls were studied. There was a high prevalence of under nutrition (70.5%), which was significantly associated with the early age. We also noted higher prevalence of morbidity conditions like reproductive (28.7%), skin (21.5%) and dental problems (19.2%).
Conclusions:The outcome of this nutritional assessment among adolescent girls can be used as the basis for policy-making decisions at various ministry levels such as ministry of social welfare and ministry of women and child development. Ensuring regular school health programmes for health education, early detection and proper treatment will bring down the burden of malnutrition among these populations.
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