Social implications and perceptions of the urban Indian population in the current scenario of COVID-19: a comprehensive survey


  • Dayanand M. Kannur Department of Community Medicine, SCES’S Indira college of Pharmacy, Pune, India
  • Suvarna P. Ingale Department of Community Medicine, SCES’S Indira college of Pharmacy, Pune, India
  • Digambar B. Ambikar Department of Community Medicine, SCES’S Indira college of Pharmacy, Pune, India
  • Dhruvi A. Gosar Department of Community Medicine, SCES’S Indira college of Pharmacy, Pune, India
  • Shubham V. Pawar Department of Community Medicine, SCES’S Indira college of Pharmacy, Pune, India
  • Anagha M. Joshi Department of Community Medicine, SCES’S Indira college of Pharmacy, Pune, India
  • Pallavi S. Sajanapwar SCES’s, Indira Institute of Management, Tathwade, Pune, India



Coronavirus, COVID 19, Mental health, Social distancing


Background: The goal of this questionnaire is to understand the social implications and the knowledge urban populations has about COVID 19, and are people are taking proper precautions against the disease.

Methods: Since there is no proven validated vaccine for prevention of COVID 19 to date, isolation of high-risk individuals and social distancing is the only solution to limit the spread. Since the government of India imposed the national lockdown on 22 March. A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was carried out by dispensing the questionnaire to individuals through online mode. A total of 633 responses were collected from individuals by a pre-designed. In our study we studied the knowledge of the Indian population about COVID 19. 64.8 % reported that they are well versed in the details of the pandemic COVID 19. More than 94 % of individuals stated that they are properly prepared and are taking proper precautions. Moreover approximately 95% of the population feels the seriousness about COVID 19 increased after lockdown. The majority of people are aware of the measures to be taken for avoiding transmission of COVID 19 infection. But some people are still not aware of the precautions to be taken to avoid the spread of the disorder.

Conclusions: Along with isolation and social distancing, creating awareness about the disease by educating the people about COVID 19 is also important. Physical health taking care of the mental health of individuals is equally important.


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How to Cite

Kannur, D. M., Ingale, S. P., Ambikar, D. B., Gosar, D. A., Pawar, S. V., Joshi, A. M., & Sajanapwar, P. S. (2021). Social implications and perceptions of the urban Indian population in the current scenario of COVID-19: a comprehensive survey. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 8(4), 1739–1751.



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