A literature study of anemia among malaria cases reported in Indonesia, from west to east: a parasito-epidemiology perspective





Blood protozoan, Plasmodium spp, Transfusion, Comorbidities, Children, Pregnant women


Severe malarial anemia (SMA) is a potentially fatal complication of malaria, a neglected parasitic tropical disease that still become a global health problem. It occurs predominantly in vulnerable groups in the community, especially children and pregnant women living in endemic areas, including Indonesia. The data on prevalence of SMA and its contributing factors are sparse and incomplete, so the aim of this simple literature study is to provide that data. The author doing the electronic literature searching on Indonesia’s data concerning malaria related anemia and factors that might contribute or causing this complication. There are 37 studies found on this issue, from 2001 until 2019. All 37 studies reported that anemia that developed during the course of the disease (malaria) varies from asymptomatic to severe form. This study showed the condition of anemia related malaria in Indonesia, from 2001-2019.  Malaria still a big parasito-epidemiology problem. Prevention by continuous health promotion and proper management of malaria should be conducted to eradicate malaria and its complication.

Author Biography

Forman E. Siagian, Department of Parasitology and The Centre of Biomedic Research, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta

Dept. of Parasitology, Lecturer (Assistant professor/Lektor)


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How to Cite

Siagian, F. E. (2020). A literature study of anemia among malaria cases reported in Indonesia, from west to east: a parasito-epidemiology perspective. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 7(10), 4135–4145. https://doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20203966



Systematic Reviews