Prospective observational study of risk factors and maternofetal outcome of placenta previa at LMICs
Antepartum hemorrhage, Low lying placenta, Morbid adherent placenta, Placenta previaAbstract
Background: This study was conducted to assess incidence, risk factors, maternal and fetal outcome in patients of placenta previa (PP).
Methods: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, King George Medical University, Lucknow. Hospital based prospective observational study. Patients attending to the antenatal outdoor patient unit with diagnosis of PP and patients coming to emergency with the complaints of antepartum hemorrhage (APH) because of placenta previa. Detailed history, clinical examination, imaging by transabdominal ultrasound, antenatal complications, per-operative findings, maternal and fetal outcome were assessed. Qualitative variables were compared using Chi square test/ Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 21.
Results: Incidence of PP was 2.8% (271/9404). Mean age was 28.23±4.58 years. 37.3%, delivered between 28-33.6 weeks. 229 (84.5%) had emergency LSCS. 205 (75.6%) cases of placenta previa had active bleeding. 53 (19.6%) cases had PPH and 2 maternal mortalities occurred due to hemorrhagic shock.
Conclusions: Placenta previa is associated with definitely poor maternal and fetal outcome which can be better managed with multidisciplinary team work.
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