Analysis of cervical liquid-based cytology results in Eskişehir, Turkey: correlation of cytology results with histology, immunocytocemical HPV Ab and HPV DNA results of 18404 women


  • Bahattin Erdoğan Department of Pathology, Eskişehir City Hospital, Eskişehir, Turkey
  • Cengiz Bal Department of Biostatistics, ESOGU Medical Faculty, Eskişehir, Turkey
  • Binnur Önal Ankara, Turkey



Liquid-based cytology, HPV DNA, Immunocytochemistry, Turkey


Background: To analyze retrospectively the results of HPV DNA, immunocytochemical HPV antibody staining of gynecologic smear samples evaluated in a public hospital and to observe their compatibility with histologic diagnosis. At the same time, the contribution of ICC HPV Ab staining experience results to the morphological evaluation is discussed in this paper.

Methods: In this study, liquid-based cytology test results of patients who applied to the gynecology between 2014 and 2017 were analyzed. The Ultravision Quanto Detection System was modified for immunocytochemical staining. HPV DNA tests were performed with the Qiagen Hybrid Capture test.

Results: The 18404 test result was included in the research. The percentage of smear that epithelial cell atypia is seen was 3.4%, the rate of ASC/SIL was 1.89%. Compared to the first 3 years of the study, the increase in the rate of LSIL is seen with a partial decrease in ASCUS rate in year 2017 (p<0.05). The atypical positive test rate with histologic confirmation was 73.61%. Among 138 HPV Ab results, 58.7% of them were negative and 41.3% of them were positive. Sensitivity and specificity rates were determined 76.19% and 52.17% for SIL. Among 53 HPV DNA results (53% negative and 46.3% positive); sensitivity and specificity rates were determined 92.86% and 50% for SIL.

Conclusions: İmmunocytochemical HPV Ab staining provided statistically significant contribution to LSIL (p<0.05).  It is thought that it also will provide additional evidence for morphological findings while cytological evaluation and may help the clinician in managing the conditions for disease.



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How to Cite

Erdoğan, B., Bal, C., & Önal, B. (2019). Analysis of cervical liquid-based cytology results in Eskişehir, Turkey: correlation of cytology results with histology, immunocytocemical HPV Ab and HPV DNA results of 18404 women. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 6(3), 943–949.



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