A study to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding reproductive child health programme activity and its utilization in selected urban community in Gwalior city
Reproduction, Child health, KnowledgeAbstract
Background: Reproductive and child health program is the flagship program of the department of family welfare, government of India. Female education is a strong predictor of the use of reproductive health care services but the extent and nature of relation between the two is not uniform across social setting. Hence the investigator feels very important to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding reproductive child health programme activity and its utilization in Gwalior city.
Methods: The present study aimed at assessing the mother’s knowledge and utilization regarding reproductive child health programme activity in selected urban community at Gwalior city.
Results: The present study depicts that the maximum mother (55%) were having good knowledge regarding reproductive child health programme activity and the mothers were having maximum knowledge regarding essential newborn care 67.5% and minimum knowledge (26.6%) regarding control of STD/RTI. Majority of mothers 45 (75%) had average utilization of the reproductive child health programme activity. There was positive correlation between knowledge and utilization of reproductive child health programme activity among mothers (r=0.83).
Conclusions: In the present study, there was significant association between utilization of reproductive child health programme activity and mother’s age and parity.
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