Microbial contamination of mobile phones in a teritary care hospital
Healthcare workers, Nosocomial pathogens, Mobile phonesAbstract
Background: Mobile phones could act as a reservoir of infection which may facilitate patient to patient transmission of microorganisms in hospital settings. Objectives of the study were to screen the mobile phones of health-care workers versus non health care workers for microbial contamination with special reference to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and extended-spectrum beta lactamases (ESBL).
Methods: This is a cross-sectional prospective study conducted in a tertiary care hospital among 110 swab samples collected from the mobile phones of health care workers versus non health care workers. The study duration was 3 months.
Results: 87.3% and 56.4% of the mobile phones of health care workers versus non health care workers yielded growth. Two and more than two types of growth were predominant among both health care workers (56.4%) versus non health care workers (29.1%). Coagulase negative Staphylococcus was predominant followed by aerobic spore bearers and micrococci in the study group.
Conclusions: Health-care personnel should practice increased adherence to infection control precautions such as hand hygiene.
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