Essential drug use patterns in primary health care in Tamil Nadu


  • Sashidharan C. Department of Community Medicine, Sree Balaji Medical and Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai, India
  • Gopalakrishnan S. Department of Community Medicine, Sree Balaji Medical and Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai, India



Essential medicines, Primary care, TNMSC


Tamil Nadu is one among the few States in India to implement the concept of essential drugs in the health care delivery system. Essential drugs are those that satisfy the health care needs of the majority of the population, meant to treat commonly prevalent diseases, they should therefore be safe, effective and should be available at low cost at all times, in adequate amounts and in the appropriate dosage forms. Essential drugs are critically required for the management of 90-95% of commonly occurring disease conditions in our country. The Tamil Nadu medical services corporation (TNMSC) was established in 1994 by the Tamil Nadu State Government in order to scientifically procure, store and distribute quality drugs based on the Essential drugs concept to all levels of health care delivery system in the State at low cost. This article is meant to identify the benefits of using essential drugs in the health care delivery system in Tamil Nadu.



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How to Cite

C., S., & S., G. (2017). Essential drug use patterns in primary health care in Tamil Nadu. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 4(12), 4389–4392.



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