Roles of multimodality imaging in rare neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases


  • Bayan Mamdouh Ali Department of Neurology, King Abdullah Medical Complex, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Hesham Idriss Alturk College of Medicine, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia
  • Amjad Hamdan Alharbi College of Medicine, Al Rayan Colleges, Medina, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdallah Jafar Alamer Department of Family Medicine, Ministry of Health, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
  • Khalid Mesfer Alqahtani College of Medicine, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Leena M. Al Mahrous College of Medicine, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
  • Lujain Marzouq Allehyani College of Medicine, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Fatimah Radi Slais Department of Psychiatry, Eradah Mental Health Complex, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • Nouriyah Haider Arishi Department of Plastic Surgery, King Fahad Central Hospital, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Alshaima Abdh Qasem Radiological Sciences Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdullah Khalid Aljughiman Department of Neurosurgery, King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Saudi Arabia



Multimodal imaging, Neuromuscular diseases, Neurodegenerative diseases, Diagnosis


Physicians face challenges in diagnosing and managing of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Huntington’s disease, as they are rare, clinically variable, and often misdiagnosed by traditional diagnostic methods. To overcome these challenges, multimodality imaging, combining techniques like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and ultrasound, has emerged to provide complementary structural, functional, and molecular data. This review discusses the roles of multimodality imaging in diagnosing, monitoring, and managing these rare diseases. Structural changes and neural connectivity are identified by MRI, and metabolic and molecular abnormalities are detected by PET. Real time evaluation of nerve and muscle abnormalities is provided by ultrasound, whereas CT aids in evaluation of respiratory function and skeletal structures. These methods are combined to improve diagnostic accuracy and to provide further understanding of disease mechanisms. Emerging multimodal imaging techniques, such as ultra-high-field MRI and hybrid PET-MRI systems, are being developed to provide greater resolution and efficiency. Multimodality imaging is a critical tool in improving the care of patients with rare neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders. However, its widespread use is hindered by high costs, limited access, and the need for standardized protocols and validation. Future directions include the development of imaging biomarkers, integration with other diagnostic methods, and the use of artificial intelligence to analyze complex imaging data.


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How to Cite

Mamdouh Ali, B., Alturk, H. I., Alharbi, A. H., Alamer, A. J., Alqahtani, K. M., Mahrous, L. M. A., Allehyani, L. M., Slais, F. R., Arishi, N. H., Qasem, A. A., & Aljughiman, A. K. (2025). Roles of multimodality imaging in rare neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 12(2), 1038–1043.



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