Management of inhalation injuries in emergency and critical care: immediate interventions and long-term outcomes
Inhalation injury, Smoke inhalation injury, Emergency treatment, Critical care, Long-term outcomesAbstract
Inhalation injury is respiratory injury caused by inhalation of substances such as toxic gas, fire fumes and chemical products. It can lead to hypoxia, ventilation dysfunction, increased airway resistance, and massive pulmonary edema. Immediate intervention is crucial for inhalation injuries. Current management strategies include endotracheal intubation, tracheostomy, fluid resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and treatment of systemic toxicity. Many factors can affect the outcomes of inhalation injury such as age, severity of inhalation injury, and total body surface area burned. The following databases were used in systematic research: Medline (PubMed), Web of Science, and Scopus till 22 December 2024. Inclusion criteria is any study that discusses management of inhalation injuries in emergency and critical care and their outcomes and published in peer-reviewed journals was included with the inclusion of full-text articles, abstracts, and case series with the related topics are included. All languages are included. Animal studies, case reports, letters and comments were excluded. Endotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and tracheostomy are considered important interventions in the inhalation injury emergency setting. However, studies reported poor long-term outcomes of these interventions. The objective of this review is to discuss the different approaches of management of inhalation injuries in emergency department and the obtained outcomes.
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