An approach for reduction of pan-facial fractures using bi-coronal flap: a case report and a literature review
Panfacial fracture, Coronal flap, Fixation, Open reductionAbstract
Pan-facial trauma represents 4% to 10% of facial fractures, involving complex injuries across the upper, middle, and lower facial regions. These fractures present significant management challenges for even experienced maxillofacial surgeons. Treatment should commence with airway stabilization, as obstruction can be fatal. Various techniques exist for addressing pan-facial fractures, with no consensus on the ideal approach. The open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) method predominantly utilizes coronal flap incisions, offering optimal access to intracranial injuries and critical facial structures like the frontal sinus and zygomatic-maxillary complex. Conversely, the anterior approach using lynch incisions may reduce risks of postoperative complications such as scarring and sensory deficits.
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