U-WIN, e-VIN and Co-WIN: harnessing digital platforms to enhance immunisation coverage in India
U-WIN, e-VIN, Co-WIN, Universal immunisation programme, Ayushman Bharat health account, Cold chainAbstract
Vaccine portals have emerged as modern healthcare tools in the administration and distribution of vaccinations. Among the leading three are U-WIN, e-VIN, and CO-WIN, all of which have become essential tools in India for efficient vaccine administration, access, and improvement in public health outcomes. PubMed and Google scholar search engines were used for comprehensive reviews and studies regarding vaccination portals, their functioning, implementations, and public health impact. Vaccination portals beyond simple administration can also serve as channels for education that impart precious knowledge on vaccine safety and effectiveness. Public engagement through the same portals will allow authorities in health to build more educated populations that are easily protected from misinformation. These types of portals need to be reviewed and updated constantly to meet ongoing issues in public health. Vaccination portals represent a landmark in the public health infrastructure. Improving access to vaccines, countering misinformation, educating public, and adapting to the changes in health landscape positions them as a vital tool in global effort toward achieving high vaccination rates and protecting community health.
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