Evaluation of Mizāj in the students of KTCHRC and its association with their academic performances and BMI: a cross sectional study


  • Shehilla Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, Kashmir Tibbia College, Hospital and Research Center, Shilvat, Sonawari, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Afshana Nabi Department of Kulliyate Tib, Kashmir Tibbia College, Hospital and Research Center, Shilvat, Sonawari, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Khalid Rahim Wani Department of Ilaj Bil Tadbeer, Kashmir Tibbia College, Hospital and Research Center, Shilvat, Sonawari, Jammu and Kashmir, India




BMI, Mizāj, Temperament


Background: Mizāj (Temperament) is the elementary fundamentals of Unani system of Medicine. Each person is born with innate Mizāj which is susceptible to variation through several influences. Upon this Mizāj, health and disease, diagnosis and treatment are based.  This study aimed to assess the Mizāj of students at KTC-Hospital and Research Centre, examine its relationship with their academic performance, and explore the association between Mizāj and students' BMI.

Methods: Data was collected using a schedule and was analysed using statistical software namely Microsoft excel and SPSS Software.

Results: Highest percentage was of Mizāj Ḥārr Raṭab with 22 (21.4%), followed by 21(20.4%) Moatadil Yābis, 15(14.6%) Moatadil Raṭab. Out of 103 students, 70 were having BMI of 18.5-25 in which 14 have Mizāj Ḥārr Raṭab while 14 have Moatadil Wa Yābis. Most of students had secured 80-90% marks in their last exam out of which 9 have Moatadil Ratab, 8 have Ḥārr Yābis and 6 have Ḥārr Ratab Mizāj.

Conclusions: This study concludes that most students exhibited a Ḥārr Ratab Mizāj, aligning with descriptions in Unani literature for this age group. Furthermore, a notable correlation was observed between Ḥārr Ratab Mizāj and exceptional academic performance. Moreover, the findings support the Unani view on Rutubat's influence on weight, contrasting with the belief that obesity is mainly due to Burudat (coldness).


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How to Cite

Shehilla, Nabi, A., & Wani, K. R. (2025). Evaluation of Mizāj in the students of KTCHRC and its association with their academic performances and BMI: a cross sectional study. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 12(2), 751–754. https://doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20250304



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