Study to explore the primary school student's knowledge, attitude and practice on dengue prevention in Rajshahi City


  • Helal Uddin Divisional Entomologist, Communicable Diseases Control, Director General of Health Services, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • S. M. Shahinul Islam Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Lab, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Umme Habiba District Entomologist, Director Health office, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Abdul Bari Director Health Office, Rajshahi, Bangladesh



Dengue, Attitude, Practice, Knowledge


Background: Bangladesh, which is in South Asia, has developed into an ideal environment for the dengue vector and its transmission. Effective community involvement is crucial for this on the ground. People's knowledge, understanding, and attitude towards this condition have a big impact on how much they participate. This study aimed of the study was to explore the primary school student's knowledge, attitude and practice on dengue prevention in Rajshahi City.

Methods: This descriptive cross-section study was carried out in Department of Communicable Diseases Control and the duration of the period for 6 months (July 2022 to December 2022). A total of 108 students were participated in the study. Students studying in primary schools in Rajshahi City both male and female were included in the study. Those who were not willing to participate were excluded from the study. Statistical analyses of the results were being obtained by using window-based Microsoft Excel and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS-22), where required.

Results: In this study about 54% were male and 46% were female students. 86.1% respondents gathered knowledge from TV, 50.9% from teachers, and 13.9% from their parents. 66.42% said that dengue fever is transmitted from mosquito bite, 21.29% said that dengue fever is transmitted through the air, 1.9% said from blood. 50% had no knowledge about mosquitoes responsible for dengue fever. 95.47% Larva of Aedes Albopictus (containers) at schools and 86.11% at home. This study also found 88.87% Larva of Aedes Aegypti (containers) at schools and 84.26% at home. Among all the respondents 40% had sufficient knowledge and 60% had insufficient knowledge regarding dengue preventiont.

Conclusions: The study's findings demonstrated the significance of the students' basic knowledge of dengue and their living situations for the dengue education programme.


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How to Cite

Uddin, H., Shahinul Islam, S. M., Habiba, U., & Bari, A. (2025). Study to explore the primary school student’s knowledge, attitude and practice on dengue prevention in Rajshahi City. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 12(2), 669–674.



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