Patient satisfaction with quality of care across different health facilities in Manipur, North-East India


  • Bishwalata Rajkumari Department of Community Medicine, JNIMS, Imphal, Manipur, India
  • Regina Wahengbam Department of Community Medicine, JNIMS, Imphal, Manipur, India
  • Laishram Robina Chanu Department of Community Medicine, JNIMS, Imphal, Manipur, India
  • Thaimei Gairanlung Department of Community Medicine, JNIMS, Imphal, Manipur, India



Patient satisfaction, Public sector, Private sector, Quality of care


Background: The study of patient satisfaction with care received is of paramount importance in the context of providing quality of care services, be it a public or private sector institution. This study planned to assess the satisfaction and associated factors among patients attending government and private health facilities in Manipur, North East India.

Methods: A cross-sectional study among eligible OPD attendees of both government and private healthcare facilities was conducted between October 2023 and January 2024 using a semi-structured questionnaire on eight patient care domains. Descriptive statistics, t tests, chi-square tests, and logistic regression analyses were employed to examine satisfaction levels and associated variables. Ethical approval was secured from institutional ethics committee.

Results: A total of 521 patients were interviewed with more than half of the participants (55.1%) being females. Majority of the participants (88.7%) were satisfied with the overall care provided in the health facilities. Participants who attended OPD in private hospitals had significantly higher satisfaction level (p<0.001) as compared to those who visited government hospital.

Conclusions: Improving patient satisfaction relies on essential amenities, wait times, quality of care from physicians and nurses, staff attitude, cleanliness, and affordability. Regular supervision and assessment are crucial for enhancing overall care quality.


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How to Cite

Rajkumari, B., Wahengbam, R., Chanu, L. R., & Gairanlung, T. (2024). Patient satisfaction with quality of care across different health facilities in Manipur, North-East India. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 11(10), 4031–4036.



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