Assessment of quality of life in patients with female pattern hair loss in a tertiary care hospital in India
FPHL, Androgenetic alopecia, QoLAbstract
Background: Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is the most common cause of hair loss in women. Although it is a mild dermatological disorder, psychologists and dermatologists have observed that even clinically imperceptible hair loss is capable of damaging the quality of life (QoL) of patients due to the loss of self-image and diminished self-esteem.
Methods: After obtaining consent from patients 66 females filling in inclusion criteria were selected for study. Data was collected from OPD case papers once and a fifteen-minute interview regarding the illness and symptoms was conducted as per the questionnaires (Hairdex, VAS, DLQI) to evaluate the QoL.
Results: The QoL subscales results showed the younger age group (≤30 years) was more affected in all Hairdex subscales. They fared significantly poorly with higher scores than older patients (>30 years) as far as symptom score and stigmatization were concerned (p<0.05). Even DLQI scores was highest in patients less than 20 years of age. Mean dermatology life quality index (DQLI) score of younger subjects was significantly higher than older subjects (p<0.05).
Conclusions: Our study showed that there is statistically significant decrease in QoL in patients with FPHL more so in younger patients. Younger patients seem to be more stigmatized, have poor functioning and emotional stability.
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