A study to assess the prevalence and pattern of internet addiction among medical students in Patna, Bihar
Internet addiction, Medical students, YouthAbstract
Background: Internet use has evolved into an inseparable routine of human life, and it has revolutionized the world with its infinite possibilities. This study aims to assess the prevalence and pattern, associated factors and its consequences/side effects of Internet addiction among medical students in Patna, Bihar.
Methods: This is a cross sectional study done among 400 students in tertiary care centre of Bihar. The 20-item Young Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was used to measure internet addiction.
Results: Out of 400 participants, 38.3% were mild, 25% moderate and 3.5% were severely addicted to internet. Feeling bored was the triggering factor for increased use, apart from using this for academics, entertainment, and social media.
Conclusions: Internet use can have an addictive potential and can become a behavioural disorder, if used for long which can ultimately interfere in our daily activities. Thus, assessing the problem at regular interval will give an insight to planning in future.
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