Telehealth in hypertension management: remote monitoring, adherence, and patient outcomes
Telehealth, Hypertension, Patient outcomes, Remote monitoringAbstract
Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is characterized by consistently elevated blood force against artery walls. Managing hypertension involves lifestyle adjustments and, when necessary, medication. Telehealth is instrumental in transforming hypertension management, utilizing technology to enhance remote monitoring, engage patients, and enhance overall outcomes. This review seeks to amalgamate existing literature and advancements in telehealth applications specific to hypertension, offering a comprehensive understanding of the present knowledge landscape, identifying gaps, and shedding light on implications for patient outcomes. Telehealth stands as a revolutionary force in hypertension management, providing inventive approaches for remote monitoring, promoting medication adherence, and overall enhancing patient well-being. However, challenges like technological barriers, security concerns, and resistance to change need addressing. Issues surrounding device compatibility, accuracy variations, and limitations in substituting certain in-person examinations also require attention. A holistic strategy, encompassing technological progress, education, and policy evolution, is crucial to overcome these challenges and fully realize telehealth's potential in hypertension management, contributing to improved patient outcomes and a reduced global burden of hypertension and chronic diseases.
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