Community nursing interventions for chronic disease management


  • Hanan Mohammed Albarnawi University Medical Center, Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  • Saeed Mohammed Alroqabi Health Education, Al-Baha Primary Healthcare Centers, Al Baha, Saudi Arabia
  • Wafa Zaid Ogdi Al Khadra Al Janoubia Primary Healthcare, Ministry of Health, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Alwa Ahmed Jalal Nursing Department, Abu Arish General Hospital, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Jubarah Zaid Agdi Albadeye and Garfy Primary Healthcare Center, Ministry of Health, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Hanan Salman AL-Eid Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Qatif Central Hospital, Qatif, Saudi Arabia
  • Albandary Khaled Almutairy Oncology and Hematology Department, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Maryam Khalid Alanazi Oncology and Hematology Department, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Fatimah Yousef Qawfashi Female Ward Department, Al Hurath General Hospital, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Anwar Mathker Alhadidi King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Chronic disease management, Community nursing interventions, Patient education, Telehealth, Coordinated care


Chronic illnesses present a hurdle in the field of healthcare in community settings. This review of existing literature delves into the role of community nursing interventions when it comes to managing diseases. It sheds light on their effectiveness challenges and potential areas for improvement. Chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and respiratory ailments contribute substantially to both mortality rates and morbidity levels. They also place a burden on healthcare systems. Community nursing interventions play a role in addressing these diseases in underserved and rural communities. These strategies include programs, self-management initiatives, home visits, telehealth services, and coordinated care. Research indicates that these approaches have been successful in improving outcomes and reducing the burden, on healthcare systems. To fully maximize the benefits of these interventions we need to overcome obstacles that come our way. Issues such as staffing shortages, the need for training among nurses involved in community care, and the seamless integration of technology must be addressed to optimize their effectiveness. To further advance the field of community nursing interventions for disease management, future research should focus on developing strategies to overcome these challenges effectively. In addition to evaluate the long-term impact of community nursing interventions to understand how effective they are.



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How to Cite

Albarnawi, H. M., Alroqabi, S. M., Ogdi, W. Z., Jalal, A. A., Agdi, J. Z., AL-Eid, H. S., Almutairy, A. K., Alanazi, M. K., Qawfashi, F. Y., & Alhadidi, A. M. (2023). Community nursing interventions for chronic disease management. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 11(1), 464–468.



Review Articles