Scabies treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine - a case study
Scabies, Skin, Itch mite, Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic remediesAbstract
The microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabiei is the source of the contagious skin condition known as scabies. The mites cause severe itching by burrowing into the skin's outermost layer, where they deposit their eggs and cause an allergic reaction. Red, elevated rashes and tiny, thread-like burrow lines are typical signs. Scabies is contagious through close personal contact and is frequently linked to living in cramped quarters. To eradicate the mites and their eggs, treatment usually entails applying topical treatments and thoroughly cleaning one's living area and personal possessions to avoid reinfestation. To effectively manage and limit the spread of scabies, early detection and immediate management are essential. By targeting the patient's general health and immune system, homeopathy provides a comprehensive approach to treating scabies with the goal of symptom relief and long-term wellbeing. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. Some of the well proven homoeopathic remedies which work wonders against scabies are Sulphur, Merc sol, Kali sulphuricum, Causticum, Psorinum, and Arscenicum album.
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