Staff motivation and associated factors in a health district hospital in Benin


  • Charles Jerome Sossa Regional Institute of Public Health, Ouidah, Benin
  • Colette Azandjeme Quality Assurance and Risk Management Division, Ministry of Health, Guinea
  • Mamadou S. A. Balde Quality Assurance and Risk Management Division, Ministry of Health, Guinea
  • Theodore Soussia National Medico-Sanitary Institute, Cotonou, Benin
  • Moussiliou N. Paraiso Regional Institute of Public Health, Ouidah, Benin



Motivation, Staff, Associated factors, Hospital, Benin


Background: The aim of this study was to find out about staff motivational related factors at Ouidah’s district hospital in southern Benin.

Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study involving 108 agents randomly selected with proportional allocation by department. Motivation was measured, as were the intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with it, using a questionnaire based on a Likert scale. Factors associated with motivation were investigated using the following tests: t-student, ANOVA, post hoc, and logistic regression.

Results: The median age of those surveyed was 39 (33.50; 47.50) years, predominantly female (58.30%). Of the staff surveyed, 30.6% had an insufficient level of general motivation. Women were much more motivated by "collaboration" than men (p=0.004). The "achievement" factor was more motivating for staff with university-level education than for those with primary-level education (p=0.001). Those aged between 35 and 50 were less motivated than those under 35 [OR=0.19; 95% CI (0.04; 0.88)]. The opportunity to develop skills at work (p=0.018) and participation in decision-making (p=0.019) were associated with the general level of staff motivation. Reasons for demotivation were dominated by insufficient work materials (24.24%).

Conclusions: Staff motivation can be improved through interventions that take into account identified factors.


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How to Cite

Jerome Sossa, C., Azandjeme, C., Balde, M. S. A., Soussia, T., & Paraiso, M. N. (2024). Staff motivation and associated factors in a health district hospital in Benin. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 11(2), 700–706.



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