Understanding among dialysis therapist and technologist about prevention protocols of COVID-19 in north-west zone of India: a questionnaire-based survey
COVID-19, COVID-19 infection prevention protocols, Dialysis awareness, Dialysis therapistsAbstract
Background: All over the world human community fighting with COVID-19. It affected a large number of population. Our immune system helps fighting with COVID-19, CKD patients which are on MHD are more prone to COVID-19 infection. MHD patient required twice or thrice a week dialysis. During dialysis, a therapist plays a major role in COVID-19 HD procedure of CKD patients. Dialysis therapist works like a frontline warrior. Aim was to observe the understanding of dialysis therapist/technologist about COVID-19 protocols for prevention of COVID-19 infection.
Methods: A total 122 responder from northwest zone of India attended question-based survey form on the understanding of the infection prevention procedure of COVID-19 maintenance hemodialysis patients. Question set was based on union health ministry of Indian government guideline for dialysis unit set up for COVID-19 patients, Dialysis therapist and patents care taker. Data collection was done by online sampling method.
Results: Study observed dialysis therapist of northwest India about understanding of COVID-19 prevention protocols. Approximate- 122 participants include in this study. But major case of COVID-19 treating in government sector hospitals. This study observed that mostly participants have good understanding about COVID-19 infection prevention protocols.
Conclusions: Required a regular education training program for all government and private sector health workers for infection control practices of COVID-19. Dialysis therapist and other health workers are doing work like a frontline warrior, their safety is a major concern so we can avoid the risk of transmission of disease to dialysis therapist.
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