Winter recreational activities of male students staying at dormitory and their attitudes towards sports
Recreational activities, Physical activity, Sports attitude, University students, Winter season, Public healthAbstract
Background: This study aims to analyze the winter recreational activities of male university students, their attitudes towards sports, and their physical activity states.
Methods: The population of this cross-sectional study consists of the students staying in a male dormitory. Data were collected through a personal evaluation form and a scale of attitude towards sports.
Results: Average sports attitude of students is 82.92. Playing okey game, playing football, spending time in the cafeteria and studying in the library are recreational activities that students frequently prefer in winter. There is a statistically significant difference between hobbies of students, playing football, spending time in the cafeteria and library activities and sports attitudes (p<0.05). The odds of doing moderate and high aerobic physical activity for those who spend time in cafes are 2 times higher than those who do not, 2.8 times higher for those who go to fitness compared to those who do not, and 3.9 times higher for those with an income of 1000-1500 TL (Turkish Lira) compared to those with 1500 TL and more.
Conclusions: The sports attitudes of those who have winter hobbies, play football, and have recreational activities in the library and cafeteria are high. Although fitness recreational activity does not make a significant difference in sports attitudes, it comes to the fore in the weekly recommended moderate and high-intensity aerobic physical activity behaviors. While recreational football made a difference in sports attitudes, it did not make this difference in the recommended physical activity behavior. Students often prefer to play okey, which takes place indoors outside the campus in the winter. For a healthy life, it is necessary to concentrate on recreational activities that will increase the sports attitude and physical activity behavior of the students on the university campus or student dormitory.
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