Prevalence and predictors of survival among patients with prostate cancer attending Nyeri County and referral hospital, Kenya: a review of records 2017-2022


  • Moses M. Gitonga Department of Community Health, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya
  • Florence W. Mbuthia Department of Reproductive Health, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya
  • Beth Mbuthia Department of Oncology, Nyeri County and Referral Hospital, Nyeri, Kenya



Prostate cancer, Comorbidities, Treatment modalities, Predictors, Survival outcomes, Prevalence


Background: Prostate cancer is a significant health concern globally. The incidence rate of prostate cancer (PCa) has continued to rise in Kenya. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of prostate cancer in patients attending Nyeri County and referral hospital in Kenya, identify predictors of survival, and assess the impact of treatment modalities on survival outcomes.

Methods: A retrospective observational design was employed, analyzing data from 252 patient records documented between 2017 and 2022. Demographic characteristics, clinical features, treatment modalities, and survival outcomes were extracted and analyzed.

Results: The prevalence of prostate cancer among the study population was found to be 10.84%. The majority of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer were aged 70 years or older, with none below 40 years. Most patients were residents of Nyeri County, and some came from neighboring counties in central Kenya. The overall survival rate for prostate cancer patients was 64.29%, indicating that 35.71% of patients died during the study period. Advanced age, comorbidities, and late-stage diagnosis were associated with lower survival rates. Multivariate analysis revealed that prostate cancer cases with hypertension were 2.91 times more likely to die compared to those without comorbidities (p=0.01, CI: 1.285051-6.597691).

Conclusions: The study highlights a significant prevalence of prostate cancer in the region and emphasizes the need for enhanced management strategies. Early detection programs, tailored treatment approaches considering comorbidities, and improved access to healthcare services are recommended to enhance survival rates and overall management of prostate cancer in this population.


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How to Cite

Gitonga, M. M., Mbuthia, F. W., & Mbuthia, B. (2023). Prevalence and predictors of survival among patients with prostate cancer attending Nyeri County and referral hospital, Kenya: a review of records 2017-2022. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 10(11), 4047–4052.



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