Burden of noncommunicable diseases and COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control strategies
Noncommunicable diseases, COVID-19 pandemic, Prevention and control, Strategies, Political approach, BurdenAbstract
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death in 21st century. The risk factors for development and progression of NCDs include sedentary lifestyle, inadequate fruits and vegetables intake, tobacco use, high blood pressure, high total cholesterol levels, obesity, high salt intake, low physical activity, and air pollution. People with NCDs and comorbidities like hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory infection and cancer are more vulnerable to severe COVID-19 infection that ultimately results into mortality. To reduce the impact of NCDs on COVID-19 cases, prevention is the best measure. Primary and secondary level prevention of NCDs plays a main role to control bad outcome in COVID-19 cases. The strategies that are required to address this comorbidity includes integration and convergence of the existing communicable and NCD programs, strengthening health care systems by giving major focus on primary health care services, health and wellness centers, universal health coverage, updating guidelines, enhancing community participation, capacity building, appropriate policy making, multi-sectoral participation and coordination.
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