Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis on the current scenario of primary health care in India
Achievements of primary health care, PHC, Primary care in India, Primary health centres, Subcentres, SWOT analysisAbstract
The Indian public health system is organized as a three-tiered pyramid, with primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities. The cornerstone of healthcare delivery anywhere in the world is primary care. Even after primary healthcare reform, problems with poor infrastructure and a serious lack of medical staff and resources continued throughout time. The whole foundation of this study is secondary data acquired from various government publications, journals, and press releases retrieved from databases like google scholar, PubMed, science direct, and search engines like Google. An analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) was carried out using the structure and dynamics of primary healthcare systems as well as literature searches. Upgrades should be made to PHC delivery service facilities, newer housing should be built to meet population expansion demands, and a bottom-up strategy should be employed with a focus on community empowerment, illness prevention, and health promotion.
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