Prevalence of overweight and obesity and its epidemiological determinant: a cross sectional study, in Maharashtra, India


  • Sanjay V. Wagh Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Akola, Maharashtra, India
  • Gopalsing N. Solanke Department of Respiratory Medicine, Government Medical College, Akola, Maharashtra, India
  • Amrit Mishra Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Akola, Maharashtra, India
  • K. Mahesh Prasad Rao Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Akola, Maharashtra, India



Overweight, Obesity, BMI, Place of residence, Gender, Occupation, Socioeconomic Status


Background: India has >135 millions obese individual at present. Overweight and obesity are fifth leading cause of global deaths. This study was undertaken to study prevalence of obesity and overweight and to find out predictors for obesity.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among adult individuals (aged 18-55 years) belonging to Akola district of Maharashtra during July 2022 to December 2022. The study was a hospital based undertaken in the Nutritional OPD under the community medicine department, Government Medical College Akola.

Results: Maximum respondent were male 205 (64.5%) Overall prevalence obesity 108 (34%) with maximum number of male 76 (24%) and very less females 32 (10%). However overall prevalence of overweight was 58 (18%) in the study population out of which 44 (13.8%) were male and 14 (4.2%) were females. Prevalence of obesity increases with age, in the present study 19% prevalence were seen in 36-55 years age group. Overall respondents from upper class as per (modified BG Prasad classification) were 153 (48.25%) among which 59 (19%) were more obese as compare upper middle, and middle class. 28 (9%), 10 (1%) respectively. This difference was found statically significant (χ²; p value= 0.01 and 0.002).

Conclusions: Suitable health care strategy and intervention programs along with health education is needed to reduce the impact.


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How to Cite

Wagh, S. V., Solanke, G. N., Mishra, A., & Rao, K. M. P. (2023). Prevalence of overweight and obesity and its epidemiological determinant: a cross sectional study, in Maharashtra, India. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 10(7), 2495–2499.



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