Barriers in utilization of fortified take home ration through integrated child development service in urban heath training centre field practice area of Bhavnagar, Gujarat


  • Bansi Trivedi Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Bhavnaar, Gujarat, India



ICDS, Fortified take home ration, THR


Background: The integrated child development services (ICDS) in the State of Gujarat, India, freely provides a take home ration to pregnant mother, adolescent, lactating mother and children. Objective was to explore the perception of program functionaries and beneficiaries regarding barrier in utilization of take-home ration infield practice area of urban health training center of Bhavnagar.

Methods: We have conducted eighteen in depth interviews of program functionaries and beneficiaries residing in urban health primary centre field practice area regarding barrier in utilization of take-home ration.

Results: Wastage, bad taste, sweetness, futile and unawareness were the main reason for non-utilization of take-home ration.

Conclusions: There is need for behavior change communication in the community regarding the correct and optimum use of take-home ration.


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How to Cite

Trivedi, B. (2023). Barriers in utilization of fortified take home ration through integrated child development service in urban heath training centre field practice area of Bhavnagar, Gujarat. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 10(6), 2082–2086.



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