Advantages and limitations of monolithic zirconia restorations
MZ, Zirconia, Advantages, LimitationsAbstract
Due to their biocompatible nature and advantageous mechanical characteristics, zirconia treatments have been utilized effectively in by dentists for many decades. A zirconia core is typically veneered with porcelain as they are not translucent, which renders treatments poorer since the bonding between the two substances fails. All-ceramic zirconia treatments have recently been made available in the dentistry market in an effort to address this issue. In addition to the absence of chipping, monolithic zirconia (MZ) fillings appear to have the benefit of requiring less occlusal room. To advocate this comparatively recent approach for restorative therapy, however, requires scientific proof. MZ could be the optimum material for rear fixed partial prostheses in the case of powerful occlusal pressures and little occlusal restorative room, according to the findings of in vitro investigations. To come to a clear consensus, the findings should be validated by many more in vivo and especially in vitro investigations.
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