Detection and screening of obstructive sleep apnea in primary care


  • Marwah Yakoop Abdullah Department of Family Medicine, East Jeddah Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdulrahman Hasan Kailani College of Medicine, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Ali Malik Alnasser Department of Internal Medicine, Qatif Central Hospital, Qatif, Saudi Arabia
  • Hisham Hamdoon Alqari General Physician, Ministry of Health, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Shahd Ayed Alharbi General Physician, Ministry of Health, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Saeed Saad Alshahrani Department of Emergency Medicine, Ahad Rafidah General Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia
  • Shahad Idhah Alzahrani College of Medicine, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  • Nariman Ayman Fageeh Department of Otolaryngology, Al Noor Specialist Hospital, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  • Nada Waleed Alharbi Department of Family Medicine, Ghurnata Primary Healthcare Center, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdulilah Mohammed Albaqami Department of Psychiatry, Erada and Mental Health Complex, Taif, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdullah Mohammed Alsuaylik Department of Blood Bank, Prince Saud bin Jalawi Hospital, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia



OSA, Cardiovascular, Screening, Sleep disorders


The most prevalent sleep-related breathing condition, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is linked to greater morbidity and poor cardiovascular outcomes. Even though sleep disorders are frequently present, primary care physicians hardly see or treat them. Better OSA symptom and intensity identification and classification to support OSA evaluation and diagnosis were the first outcomes of a task group of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that produced quality metrics for the treatment of adult patients with the condition in 2015. The OSA screening tools (Berlin questionnaire, Epworth sleepiness scale, STOP Bang) have proven to be effective instruments for screening of sleep disorders. The present primary care practice approach for OSA screening and evaluation is disorganized and inadequate.  Patients with OSA symptomatology are seen by primary care physicians, but they are not regularly screened, assessed, or referred to a sleep specialist. For the OSA screening assessments in general practice, more psychometric investigations are required. The findings from these investigations can be applied in real-world settings to improve OSA identification.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, M. Y., Kailani, A. H., Alnasser, A. M., Alqari, H. H., Alharbi, S. A., Alshahrani, S. S., Alzahrani, S. I., Fageeh, N. A., Alharbi, N. W., Albaqami, A. M., & Alsuaylik, A. M. (2022). Detection and screening of obstructive sleep apnea in primary care. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 10(1), 464–468.



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