A descriptive analysis of the relationship between place of birth and type of birth attendant with breastfeeding feeding practices among children in Kenya
Birth attendant, Breastfeeding, Place of birthAbstract
Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all infants should be breastfed immediately after birth, exclusively for 6 months, and for a minimum of two years thereafter. This study determined the relationship between place of birth and type birth attendant with breastfeeding practices in Kenya.
Methods: Data from 21,773 households participating in the 2015/2016 Kenya integrated household budget survey (KIHBS) were analysed. Respondents provided information on duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding practices as well as place of birth, and the type of birth attendant.
Results: 99.4% of the children 0-59 months had been breastfed with about 62.8 % exclusively breastfed for 6 months. 54% of the children were born in a hospital or health care center. 49% of all the births were attended by a nurse/midwife and 27% by traditional birth attendants (TBA). Those born at home were less likely to EB (Z2=24.6; p<0.001) than those born in the hospital. Those whose birth was attended by a TBA were less likely to EB for 6 months (Z2=28.6, p<0.001).
Conclusions: These findings suggest that interventions could focus on identifying factors that hinder women from giving birth in hospitals or health care facilities which are able to provide resources on infant feeding practices.
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