Literature review of dry socket: etiology, pathogenesis, prevention, and management
Dry socket, Alveolar osteitis, Extraction, Fibrinolytic activity, Oral contraceptives, AlveogylAbstract
Dry socket/alveolar osteitis is a detrimental and excruciatingly painful post-extraction condition of the socket caused by the breakdown of a clot leading to the denudation of the socket that exposes underlying bone that is not protected by a blood clot or healing tissue and persists within or around the alveolus for days after the surgical tooth extraction with or without halitosis and suppuration. It is inevitable that dry socket will develop during routine oral surgery or dental procedures. The common factors that cause dry socket are smoking, poor oral hygiene, traumatic extractions caused by inexperienced dentists, previous bacterial infection, inflammation, fibrinolysis, and systemic disorders, in conjunction with oral contraceptives, menstrual cycle, and rapid irrigation of the socket after extraction with normal saline. The management of dry socket is directed towards palliative care. A substantial amount of research is required to provide a definitive treatment choice for dry socket. This literature review focuses on the pathogenesis, prevention, and management of dry socket.
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