Knowledge and perception towards COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey among a selected rural community in Karnataka
Attitude, Behaviour, COVID-19, India, Knowledge, Rural populationAbstract
Background: The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic that has become a significant public health burden across the world. In rural India, where 68 percent of the population resides, it will be crucial in containing the pandemic. Recognizing the importance of rural populations in COVID prevention, this study was carried out to assess the knowledge and behaviour of a selected rural population in response to COVID-19.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from January to April 2021 among patients attending the Hadinaru primary health care centre. The sample size calculated was 415. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered face to face to each participant.
Results: A total of 415 valid questionnaires were obtained. 86.99% of participants knew about at least one covid associated symptom and 96.87% knew about the mode of transmission. Around 84.82% of participants reported face masks as the best mode of prevention of COVID-19 while 88.43% of subjects were using them regularly. Hand sanitization was followed by 86.26% of subjects while only 20% followed social distancing. The education of participants was a key determinant for use of face masks, hand sanitizers and social distancing as preventive tools.
Conclusions: In general, participants had good knowledge about the disease and a positive attitude towards protective measures. Although the government has made significant efforts to raise public awareness of the disease and stop its spread, more work needs to be done to support and educate the lower socioeconomic strata.
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