Prevalence of stress among post graduate doctors at Mahadevappa Rampure medical college Kalaburagi, Karnataka
Stress, Prevalence, PostgraduatesAbstract
Background: Stress, anxiety, worry, aggression have all increased significantly in recent years. A United nations report labeled stress as “The 20th Century Disease”. World Health Organization called it a “Worldwide epidemic”. Researchers have shown that post graduate doctors are under high levels of stress due to unique environment in which they work. This is of importance because it is known that the quality of care that the physicians give is directly related to their own health.
Methods:A cross sectional study was carried out among all the post graduates in Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Kalaburagi, for a period of 3 months (1st October to 31st December 2013). A self-administered questionnaire DASS-42 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) was used to assess the stress level among post graduates.
Results: Majority 61.94% of the study subjects belonged to 26-30 years of age groups and stress level is more common in the age group 20-25 i.e.39.34%. Majority 58.94% were males. 1st years post graduates experienced more stress 36.94% whereas 67.16% belonged to clinical side and more stress level was found in them. 65.03% stress level is found in unmarried postgraduates. Stress level was found to be more 35.90% among post graduates who were having 4-6 hours of sleep per day whereas 25.43% who worked for 6-10 hours per day.
Conclusions:The study concludes that majority of the post graduates suffering from stress due to various factors and it should not be ignored as it can cause many other health issues.
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